I am a second year Ph.D. student at Department of Computer Science, Georgetown University, where I am advised by Prof. Benjamin Ujcich and affiliated with SECLAB. Prior to joining Georgetown, I worked as a Research Assistant at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT-Hyderabad under the supervision of Prof. Praveen Tammana. I received my Bachelor’s degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Tezpur University, advised by Prof. Nityananda Sarma . My broad interests lie in the intersection of systems, software-defined networking (SDN), and programmable data planes (PDPs). In addition to my research interests in systems and software-defined networking (SDN), I have also developed a strong foundation in various technical skills. These include configuring hardware such as smartNICs (Netronome) and Tofino Switches (Intel). Overall, I believe that my technical skills, combined with my curiosity and passion for computer science, make me well-suited for a successful career in research and academia.
Email – ds1849 [AT] georgetown.edu

- [Dec ’23] – Presented our work LANTERN at EuroP4 ’23. [LINK] [Slides]
- [Nov ’23] – Received the HotNets ’23 travel grant to attend the workshop.
- [June – Aug ’23] – Joined Computer Science Lab at SRI International as a Graduate Summer Research Intern advised by Dr. Vinod Yegneswaran.
- [Aug’ 22] – Started PhD at Dept. of Computer Science, Georgetown University advised by Prof. Benjamin Ujcich.
- [Sept ’21 – Jun ‘ 22] – Joined as Research Assistant (RA) at Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Hyderabad under Prof. Praveen Tammana.
- [Aug ’21] – Graduated with B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Tezpur University.
- [IEEE S&P’24] – “NetShuffle: Circumventing Censorship with Shuffle Proxies at the Edge” [PDF] [Link]
Patrick Tser Jern Kon, Aniket Gattani, Dhiraj Saharia, Tianyu Cao, Diogo Barradas, Ang Chen, Micah Sherr, Benjamin E Ujcich - [EuroP4 ’23] – “LANTERN: Layered Adaptive Network Telemetry Collection for Programmable Dataplanes” [PDF] [Slides] [Link]
Kaiyu Hou, Dhiraj Saharia, Vinod Yegneswaran, and Phillip Porras - [IEEE CONIT ’21] – Saharia, Dhiraj, et al. “An Ensemble based Modulation Recognition using Feature Extraction.” International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) [Link]
- Saharia, Dhiraj, et al. “INDRA Reporter: Crowdsourcing Quantitative Flooding Data with Impact Classifications to develop real-time flood risk dashboards.” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 2020. 2020. [LINK]
- [Summer Research Intern][June – Aug ’23] – SRI International, Advisor: Dr. Vinod Yegneswaran
Research Interests
- Networks – SDN, Programmable data planes
- Security – Provenance
- Machine Learning – Applications of ML
- Software Development
- C – socket, OS, openGL
- Network – P4, wireshark, PCAP
- Python – socket, scapy, scikit-learn
- Web – Reactjs (front-end), Django (back-end), react-native (mobile)
- Database – postgres (postGIS)